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Potassium Channels
A Molecular Specific Information System for Potassium channels
August 2005 release (3.0)
KChannelDB partners.
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USA: (no longer available)
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Quick links
Primary and secondary data on K channels:
Sequence information
List of Swiss-Prot and TrEMBL entries (sorted by ID, family or organism)
Database cross-references for sequences and fragments
Multiple sequence alignments and other sequence-derived data sorted per family
cDNAs and protein-cDNA pairwise alignments
Phylogenetic trees
Structural information
List of PDB files available (data mainly extracted from the Swiss-Prot entries)
Genetic information
Chromosomal location of K channel genes
Mutation data
Mutation data extracted from the literature by text mining
Useful tools and links:
Flo's query system to easily retrieve an entry.